Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ack! Has it really been this long?

I think I got a bit freaked out about the potentially public nature of do people do it? Just write what they want and consequences be damned? I think I may be too soft in the backbone for that. If I had more imagination (or a store of good drugs nearby) I'd probably be able to 'let it go' a bit easier. Geez, even reading back the last few sentences makes me quesy. How narcisstic I am - as IF anyone reads this but me, and moreover, as if anyone really cares. People post videos of themselves lighting their farts on fire, I don't know why I'm worried about what I may reveal.

So what's best - a catch up on the last few months or straight into what I want to talk about?

Straight into it. Shit! I just realized that I'm typing in Times New Roman. I hate this font. One moment, let's see what my options are. You have no idea how lucky you are, I almost went with Verdana.

Ok, here's what I wanted to post about.....I need a life coach for my work life. My company offers the services of this "Employee Assistance Program" which I was hopeful about - until I went to the website and saw what a joke it was. Basically, a drop down menu of life situations (work, health, finance, home life) with further drop down menus for each. Allrighty, I thought, a pretty good start. So I make my selection (finance ->mortgages) and see a list of linked news articles....not exactly the help I was looking for. Oh well. I guess I'll turn to my best friend, Google, and see what she says. Maybe she can recommend a work/life coach.